As of January 20th, a new administration has taken effect, along with immediate changes to the policies and priorities of the federal government. President Trump’s...
Active managers try to sell investors on their superior knowledge, skill, and experience, but they often neglect to mention that over the long term, active...
What new reporting is the U.S. Government now requiring? The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), effective January 1, 2024, is U.S. government-instituted legislation that requires many...
The remaining half of 2021 may be the last opportunity to do effective Wealth Transfer and Estate planning The Wealthy are under attack: Historic Government...
These are turbulent times, arguably the most uncertain since at least the Great Recession. At M3, however, we’re always focused on investing with a long-term...
The last float in Macy’s Thanksgiving parade is everyone’s favorite holiday figure: Saint Nicholas. The Santa float is a sign that the holidays are finally...